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Wireless nRF24L01+ PA/LNA with Antenna
- Brands China Code: RF-NRF24-PA-WA
The wireless module is always popular in the IoT(Internet of Things) era. Especially, long-range version. This is NRF24L01P + PA + LNA wireless module, it operates in a license-free 2.4G ISM (industrial, scientific and medical) band, you can do point-to-point application and can also be composed of a star network.
The Data transmission chip NRF24L01+(from Nordic), and PA and LNA, RF switch, bandpass filter integrated as a full two-way RF transceiver improve the effective communication distance. According to the spec, the wireless communication range can goes up to 1000 meters, that's pretty impressive, although, in the actual environment, we do expect it to perform at a short distance.
Compact size and easy to embed into any space-constrained product. Users can utilize the SPI port of Arduino or any other MCU to control NRF24L01P + PA + LNA. Comes with the compatible pin layout as its little brother - nRF24L01+ module, and the protocol/library are compatible too.
VCC must be within 2.7V to 3.6VDC, but the IO pins are 5V tolerance. So you can connect this directly to Arduino UNO without any level shifter, just take care of the VCC :)
To help the interface, check this low-cost breakout for nRF24L01 with socket, it will save you a lot of time :)
Possible Applications: