Building a Traffic Signal Controller with Raspberry Pi Pico and TM1637 in Circuitpython

Building a Traffic Signal Controller with Raspberry Pi Pico and TM1637 in Circuitpython


In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of creating a Traffic Light Controller using the Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython.


Demonstration Video:





1. Raspberry Pi Pico with CircuitPython installed.

2. Thonny Program Installed.


Hardware Required:

- Raspberry Pi Pico

- TM1637 Module

- Traffic Light Controller Module

- Jumper wires


Step 1: Connection and Circuit Diagram

For TM1637 Module connect clc and dio to GP26 and GP27 respectively also Vcc and GND to 3.3V and GND pins in Raspberry PI Pico

For Traffic Light Controller Module connect R, Y, G and GND pins to GP3, GP1, GP2 and GND respectively in Raspberry Pi Pico. For further elaboration see figure below.

Step 2: Code

Open Thonny and create a new file named and paste this code:





Then create new file name it as and paste this code:



Step 3: Uploading the Code to Raspberry Pi Pico

Save the CicuitPython code to the Raspberry Pi Pico's USB drive. The Pico will automatically execute the code once it is connected to power.