In this bonus project, we will demonstrate the object classification function. We'll teach ZOOM:BIT to identify three different boards and then sort them accordingly...
In this project, ZOOM:BIT will be moving along a track. To make smart decisions about its movement, it will use Huskylens to identify special tags placed along the way...
This tutorial is about using ZOOM:BIT with Huskylens to create a fun face-recognition project. We'll teach ZOOM:BIT to recognize a special face, like a birthday child, and sing them a song!..
Looking to add a little something extra to your micro:bit project? In this tutorial, we'll show you how to connect an OLED display to your micro:bit and display real-time temperature and humidity read..
Hi guys, today we're going to build our own oscillating table fan using a micro:bit. With the help of the micro:bit, we'll be able to program our fan..