NodeMCU Kit using Telegram : Weather Monitoring System

NodeMCU Kit using Telegram : Weather Monitoring System


Part 1 : Arduino IDE

Step 1 : Add preference on Arduino IDE

Step 2 : ArduinoJson Library:

You also have to install the ArduinoJson library. Follow the next step to install the library.

1. Go To Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries.

2. Search for "ArduinoJson".

3. Select the latest version available.

4. Install the library.

Step 3 : To establish communication with the Telegram bot, we’ll be using the Universal Telegram Bot Library created by Brian Lough that provides an easy interface for Telegram Bot API.

Follow the next steps to install the latest release of the library.

1. Go to

2. Go to Sketch > Include Library > Add.ZIP Library...

3. Add the library you’ve just downloaded. And that’s it. The library is installed.

Part 2 : Telegram Bot

Getting start Control LED using Telegram Bot :

Step 1 : Go to Telegram and find “BotFather”

Step 2 : Write a prompt “/newbot”. Then choose your own new chat bot name. If it says that the name you made has exist, you should change your bot name.

Step 3 : Go to web search and write “” and  write a prompt “/getid”. The bot will give your ID number.


Project 1 : Weather Monitoring System

  • Ultilize the DHT11 sensor to monitor temperature and humidity readings through Telegram Bot.

  • Required components : ESP8266, DHT11, three female-to-female jumper

Step 1 : Connect the jumper as the shown picture, pin D4 :

Step 2 : Copy and paste the code to Arduino IDE

Get the code here


Change this things before you upload :  

- "wifi name" to your own WiFi

- "wifi password" as your WiFi password

- "botfather token" to the token you get 

- "chat id number" to the number you get from chat id


Step 3 : write the prompt “/temperature”

Let's continue to next page for another project !




Hardware Components

x 1 unit(s)

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