NodeMCU Kit using Telegram : Smart Security System


Project 2 : Smart Security System

  • Use an infrared sensor to detect if someone breaks through our house using Telegram Bot

  • Required Components : ESP8266, IR Sensor, Three Female-to-Female Jumper

Step 1 : Connect the jumper as the shown picture, pin D4 :

Step 2 : Copy and paste the code to Arduino IDE

Download the code here !


Change this things before you upload :  

- "wifi name" to your own WiFi

- "wifi password" as your WiFi password

- "botfather token" to the token you get 

- "chat id number" to the number you get from chat id


How It Works:

  • IR Sensor Pin: The IR sensor is connected to pin D4.

  • /status Command: If you send the /status command to the bot, it will check the state of the IR sensor and respond with either "Motion Detected!" or "All Clear!".

  • Automatic Alerts: The system continuously monitors the IR sensor, and if motion is detected, it sends an alert message to your Telegram bot.


Hardware Components

x 1 unit(s)

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