Tetris Game Using Raspberry Pi Pico 2

Creating a Tetris game using an OLED display and three buttons is an exciting project! Below is a step-by-step guide that covers the necessary components, wiring, and code.

Components Needed:

  1. Microcontroller: Raspberry Pi Pico 2
  2. OLED Display: 128x64 I2C OLED display.
  3. Buttons: 3 push buttons.
  4. Resistors: 10k ohm resistors for pull-down/pull-up resistors. (optional)
  5. Breadboard and wires. (optional)

Step 1: Setup the Hardware

1.1. Wiring the OLED Display

  • VCC to 5V on the Raspberry Pi Pico 2.
  • GND to GND on the Raspberry Pi Pico 2.
  • SCL to GP5 (or SCL pin on your Raspberry Pi Pico 2).
  • SDA to GP4 (or SDA pin on your Raspberry Pi Pico 2).

1.2. Wiring the Buttons (optional if not using the extended board)

Each button will be connected to a digital pin on the Raspberry Pi Pico 2. For simplicity, we'll use pull-up resistors.

  • Button 1:
    • One leg to GND.
    • The other leg to GP20
  • Button 2:
    • One leg to GND.
    • The other leg to GP21 
  • Button 3:
    • One leg to GND.
    • The other leg to GP22

Step 2: Install Required Libraries

Get the library here

Step 3: Writing the Code

Get the code here

Step 4: Connect the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 to computer

Step 4: Testing

  • Upload the code to your Raspberry Pi Pico 2.
  • Ensure the OLED displays the game board and that the buttons move the pieces as expected.
  • Debug any issues by checking connections or serial outputs.

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