Tutorial Search - Tag - Light

Edge Impulse with Raspberry Pi Pico Application Using ADC Light Sensor

Edge Impulse with Raspberry Pi Pico Application Using ADC Light Sensor

Edge Impulse has the ability to interface with the Raspberry Pi Pico device, equipped with the RP2040 chip. In this project, data is gathered using the light sensor to measure light intensity...
Building a Traffic Signal Controller with Raspberry Pi Pico and TM1637 in Circuitpython

Building a Traffic Signal Controller with Raspberry Pi Pico and TM1637 in Circuitpython

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of creating a Traffic Light Controller using the Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython...
How to Make a Light-Following Sunflower Using micro:bit

How to Make a Light-Following Sunflower Using micro:bit

Sunflowers face the rising sun because the morning warmth attracts more bees and also helps the plants reproduce more efficiently. Let's make a sunflower that reacts to the light level in the surround..
Getting Started with Light Sensor Module (SN-LIGHT-MOD)

Getting Started with Light Sensor Module (SN-LIGHT-MOD)

Last Updated on 6 July 2017 This article is written by internship student Tian Fu Loke....
Project 9 – Analog Sensor: Light detection using LDR

Project 9 – Analog Sensor: Light detection using LDR

A photoresistor or light dependent resistor (LDR) is a resistance decreases with increasing incident light intensity. It can be referred as a photoconductor. ..