Tutorial Search - Tag - pi 400

Exploring Raspberry Pi 400 as Computer Substitute at Primary Schools: The Keyboard is the Computer

Exploring Raspberry Pi 400 as Computer Substitute at Primary Schools: The Keyboard is the Computer

In the age of industrial revolution 4.0, the internet of things (IoT), and technology-based teaching and learning processes, digital skills is crucial..
Maker HAT Base, allows you to easily access the Raspberry Pi 400 GPIO pins

Maker HAT Base, allows you to easily access the Raspberry Pi 400 GPIO pins

It is a bit difficult to access the GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi 400. By using Maker HAT Base, we can easily make the wiring connections. For this video I will try to do a simple testing, controlling ..
Overclock Raspberry Pi 400 to 2.147GHz for Raspberry Pi OS

Overclock Raspberry Pi 400 to 2.147GHz for Raspberry Pi OS

With the increasing of Raspberry Pi 400 demand, it surely proves that this is the current best choice for many users. It also has a great improvement in terms of hardware and performance compared to t..
Raspberry Pi 400 - The New Personal Keyboard Computer

Raspberry Pi 400 - The New Personal Keyboard Computer

This is the 1st of its kind of Raspberry Pi single-board computer. The Raspberry Pi 400 is a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B embedded in a mini-size Keyboard...