RC Sumo using Maker Mini Sumo Controller

RC Sumo using Maker Mini Sumo Controller

This tutorial is focusing on how to use RC Controller with Maker Mini Sumo Controller board in Sumo Robot development. Maker Mini Sumo Controller is purposely built for Autonomous Sumo Robot with Ikedo Mini Sumo Robot, but this controller also can support RC Mode.



By connecting the RC receiver to the extra GPIO ports on the Maker Mini Sumo Controller, you can turn your robot into an RC-controlled robot. The best part is, it doesn't use up any existing port for sensors and this allows you to participate in both RC and autonomous categories with the same robot.



Connection to RC Reciever (In our case is Flysky RC Controller)

GPIO1 Connect to CH1 

GPIO2 Connect to CH3

Mode: Flysky01 (Default Setting)



#include "CytronMakerSumo.h"

const int chA=A2;  //GPIO 01
const int chB=A3;  //GPIO 02

int ch1;  //Variables to store and display the values of each channel
int ch2;  //Variables to store and display the values of each channel

int ch1Min = 969; // read from serial monitor
int ch1Max = 1960; // read from serial monitor
int ch2Min = 966; // read from serial monitor
int ch2Max = 1957; // read from serial monitor

int offset = 15;  // Offset value for STOP function, get value from Serial Monitor
int val;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  // Set input pins
  pinMode(chA, INPUT);
  pinMode(chB, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  // read the input channels
  ch1 = pulseIn (chA,HIGH);  //Read and store channel 1
  Serial.print ("Ch1:");  //Display text string on Serial Monitor to distinguish variables
  Serial.print (ch1);     //Print in the value of channel 1
  Serial.print ("|");

  ch2 = pulseIn (chB,HIGH);
  Serial.print ("Ch2:");
  Serial.print (ch2);
  Serial.print ("|");

  int SpeedCh1 = map(ch1,ch1Min,ch1Max,-255,255);
  Serial.print (SpeedCh1);
  Serial.print ("|");

  int SpeedCh2 = map(ch2,ch2Min,ch2Max,-255,255);
  Serial.print (SpeedCh2);
  Serial.println ("|");

  if (SpeedCh2 > offset && SpeedCh2 <= 255)
    Serial.print ("|");
    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_L, SpeedCh2);  // Left motor forward
    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_R, SpeedCh2);  // Right motor forward

    else if (SpeedCh2 < -offset && SpeedCh2 >= -255)
    Serial.print ("|");
    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_L, SpeedCh2);  // Left motor backward
    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_R, SpeedCh2);  // Right motor backward

  else if (SpeedCh1 > offset && SpeedCh1 <= 255)
    Serial.print("Turn RIGHT");
    Serial.print ("|");
    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_L, SpeedCh1);  // Left motor forward
    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_R, -SpeedCh1);  // Right motor backward

  else if (SpeedCh1 < -offset && SpeedCh1 >= -255)
    Serial.print("Turn LEFT");
    Serial.print ("|");
    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_L, SpeedCh1);  // Left motor backward
    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_R, -SpeedCh1);  // Right motor forward

  else if (SpeedCh1 <= offset && SpeedCh1 >= -offset)
    Serial.print ("|");
    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_L, 0);  // Left motor stop
    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_R, 0);  // Right motor stop





1. Include library


 #include "CytronMakerSumo.h" 


Library that we will use along this program. Need to include the library by searching Cytron Maker Sumo Library



2. Initialize Pin


const int chA=A2;  //GPIO 01

const int chB=A3;  //GPIO 02

We will refer to the Datasheet of Maker Mini Sumo on Arduino Pin Mapping.



3. Variable value


int ch1;  //Variables to store and display the values of each channel

int ch2;  //Variables to store and display the values of each channel


Variable value that will be used to check the value of each channel. The value will display through the serial monitor.



4. Minimum and Maximum value for Channel 1 and Channel 2


int ch1Min = 969; // read from serial monitor

int ch1Max = 1960; // read from serial monitor

int ch2Min = 967; // read from serial monitor

int ch2Max = 1959; // read from serial monitor


All this value will get after running the code and see on the serial monitor display. Turn on your RC Controller and pull the channel into full throttle. You may see a different value when the throttle is changed. Put the maximum and minimum values on code based on the value you get.


Channel 1: 

Right Throttle (1959-1961) - ch1Max

Left Throttle (968-970) - ch1Min




Channel 2:

Forward Throttle (1956-1958) - ch2Max

Backward Throttle (965-967) - ch1Min




5. Offset Value


int offset = 15;  // Offset value for STOP function, get value from Serial Monitor


Offset value is the value to set the motor stop. Due to the sensitivity and inconsistent value of the joystick, we need to set some offset to calibrate the value. This value might be lower or might be higher depending on your RC controller. 



For example, the “zero” value right now is 1447-1468 (from 1 to -10) for channel 1


6. Library Use



Put a “MakerSumo.begin()” to include the library for Maker Mini Sumo controller.



“Serial.begin(9600)” to display the serial monitor the value that we need for calibration


7. Input Pin


pinMode(chA, INPUT);

pinMode(chB, INPUT);


Set chA and chB as an input


8. PulseIn Function


ch1 = pulseIn (chA,HIGH);  //Read and store channel 1

ch2 = pulseIn (chB,HIGH);  //Read and store channel 2


pulseIn function is used to read and store the value for channel 1 and channel 2


9. Serial Reading


Serial.print ("Ch1:");  //Display text string on Serial Monitor to distinguish variables

Serial.print (ch1);     //Print in the value of channel 1

Serial.print ("|");

Serial.print ("Ch2:");

Serial.print (ch2);

Serial.print ("|");


All the value will be displayed on Serial Monitor


10. Speed Mapping



int SpeedCh1 = map(ch1,ch1Min,ch1Max,-255,255);

Serial.println (SpeedCh1);

Serial.print ("|");



int SpeedCh2 = map(ch2,ch2Min,ch2Max,-255,255);

Serial.println (SpeedCh2);

Serial.print ("|");


This syntax is use to map the value of ch1 and ch2 with pwm value (from -255 to 255)


11. Forward Function


  if (SpeedCh2 > offset && SpeedCh2 <= 255)



    Serial.print ("|");

    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_L, SpeedCh2);  // Left motor forward

    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_R, SpeedCh2);  // Right motor forward



12. Backward Function


  else if (SpeedCh2 < -offset && SpeedCh2 >= -255)



    Serial.print ("|");

    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_L, SpeedCh2);  // Left motor backward

    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_R, SpeedCh2);  // Right motor backward



13. Right Function


  else if (SpeedCh1 > offset && SpeedCh1 <= 255)


    Serial.print("Turn RIGHT");

    Serial.print ("|");

    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_L, SpeedCh1);  // Left motor forward

    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_R, -SpeedCh1);  // Right motor backward



14. Left Function


  else if (SpeedCh1 < -offset && SpeedCh1 >= -255)


    Serial.print("Turn LEFT");

    Serial.print ("|");

    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_L, SpeedCh1);  // Left motor backward

    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_R, -SpeedCh1);  // Right motor forward



15. Stop Function


  else if (SpeedCh1 <= offset && SpeedCh1 >= -offset)



    Serial.print ("|");

    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_L, 0);  // Left motor stop

    MakerSumo.setMotorSpeed(MOTOR_R, 0);  // Right motor stop



Hardware Components

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