Maker Mini Sumo with Bluetooth Controller

Maker Mini Sumo with Bluetooth Controller



Welcome to this exciting tutorial, where we will guide you through controlling the Maker Mini Sumo using a Bluetooth controller. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced maker, this project is designed to be simple yet educational, providing hands-on experience with wireless communication and robot control.


List of Component


  1. Maker Mini Sumo Controller
  2. HC-05 Bluetooth Serial Transceiver or HC06 Bluetooth Serial Transceiver
  3. Male to Female Jumper Wire or any jumper wire
  4. Smartphone with a Bluetooth App (Arduino Bluetooth Control)
  5. Battery for the Sumo Robot
  6. DC Motor
  7. Sumo Kit such as Ikedo Mini Sumo Robot V2 and Ikedo Mini Sumo Robot Pro Kit


Hardware Preparation


Step 1: Connecting HC-05 Bluetooth Module to Maker Mini Sumo


Connect the VCC pin of the HC-05 to the 5V (+ve) pin on the Maker Mini Sumo Controller.

Connect the GND pin of the HC-05 to the GND (-ve) pin on the controller.

Connect the TXD pin of the HC-05 to the RXD (GPIO1) pin on the controller.

Connect the RXD pin of the HC-05 to the TXD (GPIO2) pin on the controller.


Step 2: Connect DC Motor to Maker Mini Sumo Controller (refer to diagram)


Step 3: Connect the board with the battery to the designated port. Be careful with the polarity. Don't switch on the board yet.


Programming Preparation


Step 1: Install the Arduino IDE: Ensure you have the Arduino IDE installed on your computer.


Step 2: Download and install necessary libraries: Install any required libraries for the Maker Mini Sumo and HC-05 communication.



Step 3: Take the sample code below. This code is an example code to control the robot using Bluetooth commands.



Setting Up Bluetooth Communication


Step 1: Switch on your robot and pairing the HC-05 with your smartphone:



Step 2: Configuring the Arduino Bluetooth Control Apps:


Download Arduino Bluetooth Control from PlayStore and install it on your smartphone.



You can download the app using this link: Arduino Bluetooth Controller


Step 3: Open the app and connect to the paired HC-05 module.



Step 4: Then, select the gamepad option.



Step 5: Once you have successfully connected to the bluetooth module, the app will display a controller layout for you to be able to control the sumo robot.



Step 6: Now, you are ready for action!


Hardware Components

Bluetooth Serial Transceiver HC-05  Best Seller
x 1 unit(s)
x 1 unit(s)

Ikedo Mini Sumo Robot V2

S$142.50 S$142.50

x 1 unit(s)
x 1 unit(s)