UIC00B is designed to program popular Flash PIC Microcontroller which includes most of the PIC family. Besides 8-bit, it can also program 16-bit and 32-bit PIC MCU. On board ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) connector offers flexible methods to load program. USB port is commonly available and widely used on Laptop and Desktop PC, thus is very convenient to use UIC00B. It offers reliable, high speed programming and free windows interface software.
New! Program most of the +3.3V or +5V PIC
New! Compatible with PICkit2’s UART Tool and Logic Tool
New! Program most of the current 8-, 16-, and 32-bit Flash PIC microcontroller
Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1.
Compatible with Microchip’s PICkit 2.
Powered directly from USB port.
Compatible with PICkit2's Logic Tool and UART Tool.
Integrated into MPLAB and MPLAB X IDE, write program and load directly into your PIC with 1 software.
Comes with optional standalone GUI (PICkit2 Programmer), so you can also utilize other IDE to develop program and load into
UIC00B supports on-board programming which eliminates the need of plug-in and plug-out of PIC MCU.
This also allows user to modify the program without removing the PIC from the development board.
This Programmer comes with mini USB cable and rainbow cable.
Dimension: 7.5cm x 3cm
Note: The mini CD is no longer provided when you purchase UIC00B, you need to download them (Installer and user manual) from the attachment tab.
Supported PIC models: For complete list, please check
User's Manual page 5.
Baseline Devices
PIC10F200 PIC10F202 PIC10F204 PIC10F206
PIC10F220 PIC10F222
PIC12F508 PIC12F509 PIC12F510 PIC12F519
PIC16F505 PIC16F506 PIC16F526
PIC16F54 PIC16F57 PIC16F59
Midrange/Standard Devices
>> All 'LF' versions of devices are supported
PIC12F609 PIC12HV609
PIC12F615 PIC12HV615
PIC12F629 PIC12F635# PIC12F675 PIC12F683#
PIC16F610 PIC16HV610 PIC16F616 PIC16HV616
PIC16F627 PIC16F628 PIC16F639
PIC16F627A PIC16F628A PIC16F648A
PIC16F630 PIC16F631 PIC16F636# PIC16F676
PIC16F677 PIC16F684# PIC16F685# PIC16F687#
PIC16F688# PIC16F689# PIC16F690#
PIC16F73+ PIC16F74+ PIC16F76+ PIC16F77+
PIC16F737+ PIC16F747+ PIC16F767+ PIC16F777+
PIC16F785 PIC16HV785
PIC16F84A PIC16F87# PIC16F88#
PIC16F818# PIC16F819#
PIC16F870 PIC16F871 PIC16F872
PIC16F873 PIC16F874 PIC16F876 PIC16F877
PIC16F873A PIC16F874A PIC16F876A PIC16F877A
PIC16F883# PIC16F884# PIC16F886# PIC16F887#
PIC16F913# PIC16F914# PIC16F916# PIC16F917#
Midrange/1.8V Min Devices
PIC16F722 PIC16LF722
PIC16F723 PIC16LF723 PIC16F724 PIC16LF724
PIC16F726 PIC16LF726 PIC16F727 PIC16LF727
PIC16F1933 PIC16F1934 PIC16F1936 PIC16F1937
PIC16F1938 PIC16F1939
PIC16LF1933 PIC16LF1934 PIC16LF1936 PIC16LF1937
PIC16LF1938 PIC16LF1939
PIC18F Devices
>> All 'LF' versions of devices are supported
PIC18F242 PIC18F252 PIC18F442 PIC18F452
PIC18F248 PIC18F258 PIC18F448 PIC18F458
PIC18F1220 PIC18F1320 PIC18F2220
PIC18F1230 PIC18F1330 PIC18F1330-ICD
PIC18F2221 PIC18F2320 PIC18F2321 PIC18F2331
PIC18F2410 PIC18F2420 PIC18F2423 PIC18F2431
PIC18F2450 PIC18F2455 PIC18F2458 PIC18F2480
PIC18F2510 PIC18F2515 PIC18F2520 PIC18F2523
PIC18F2525 PIC18F2550 PIC18F2553 PIC18F2580
PIC18F2610 PIC18F2620 PIC18F2680 PIC18F2682
PIC18F4220 PIC18F4221 PIC18F4320 PIC18F4321
PIC18F4331 PIC18F4410 PIC18F4420 PIC18F4423
PIC18F4431 PIC18F4450 PIC18F4455 PIC18F4458
PIC18F4510 PIC18F4515 PIC18F4520 PIC18F4523
PIC18F4525 PIC18F4550 PIC18F4553 PIC18F4580
PIC18F4610 PIC18F4620 PIC18F4680 PIC18F4682
PIC18F4685 PIC18F6310 PIC18F6390 PIC18F6393
PIC18F6410 PIC18F6490 PIC18F6493 PIC18F6520
PIC18F6525 PIC18F6527
PIC18F6585 PIC18F6620 PIC18F6621 PIC18F6622
PIC18F6627 PIC18F6628 PIC18F6680 PIC18F6720
PIC18F6722 PIC18F6723
PIC18F8310 PIC18F8390 PIC18F8393 PIC18F8410
PIC18F8490 PIC18F8493
PIC18F8520 PIC18F8525 PIC18F8527 PIC18F8585
PIC18F8620 PIC18F8621 PIC18F8622 PIC18F8627
PIC18F8680 PIC18F8720 PIC18F8722 PIC18F8723
PIC18F_J_ Devices
PIC18F24J10 PIC18LF24J10
PIC18F24J11 PIC18LF24J11 PIC18F24J50 PIC18LF24J50
PIC18F25J10 PIC18LF25J10
PIC18F25J11 PIC18LF25J11 PIC18F25J50 PIC18LF25J50
PIC18F26J11 PIC18LF26J11 PIC18F26J50 PIC18LF26J50
PIC18F44J10 PIC18LF44J10
PIC18F44J11 PIC18LF44J11 PIC18F44J50 PIC18LF44J50
PIC18F45J10 PIC18LF45J10
PIC18F45J11 PIC18LF45J11 PIC18F45J50 PIC18LF45J50
PIC18F46J11 PIC18LF46J11 PIC18F46J50 PIC18LF46J50
PIC18F63J11 PIC18F63J90 PIC18F64J11 PIC18F64J90
PIC18F65J10 PIC18F65J11 PIC18F65J15 PIC18F65J50
PIC18F66J10 PIC18F66J11 PIC18F66J15 PIC18F66J16
PIC18F66J50 PIC18F66J55 PIC18F66J60 PIC18F66J65
PIC18F67J10 PIC18F67J11 PIC18F67J50 PIC18F67J60
PIC18F83J11 PIC18F83J90 PIC18F84J11 PIC18F84J90
PIC18F85J10 PIC18F85J11 PIC18F85J15 PIC18F85J50
PIC18F86J10 PIC18F86J11 PIC18F86J15 PIC18F86J16
PIC18F86J50 PIC18F86J55 PIC18F86J60 PIC18F86J65
PIC18F87J10 PIC18F87J11 PIC18F87J50 PIC18F87J60
PIC18F96J60 PIC18F96J65 PIC18F97J60
PIC18F_K_ Devices
PIC18F13K22 PIC18LF13K22 PIC18F14K22 PIC18LF14K22
PIC18F13K50 PIC18LF13K50 PIC18F14K50 PIC18LF14K50
PIC18F23K20 PIC18F24K20 PIC18F25K20 PIC18F26K20
PIC18F43K20 PIC18F44K20 PIC18F45K20 PIC18F46K20
Warranty Period: 12 months